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The FIREMAPLE FMS-125 Stove is a compact and powerful outdoor cooking solution, perfect for camping, hiking, and backpacking. With a high power output of 3240W, this stove ensures efficient and rapid cooking in various outdoor environments. Made from durable stainless steel and aluminum, the FMS-125 stove is designed for long-lasting use and reliability. Its lightweight and portable design make it easy to carry and set up, providing a dependable cooking option for any outdoor adventure.

Key Features

  1. High Power Output: 3240W

    • Delivers rapid and efficient cooking, making meal preparation quick and easy in any outdoor setting.
  2. Lightweight Construction

    • Weighing only 230g, this stove is ideal for backpacking and lightweight travel, adding minimal weight to your gear.
  3. Durable Materials

    • Constructed from stainless steel and aluminum, ensuring excellent durability and resistance to outdoor elements.
  4. Compact and Portable Design

    • Foldable and compact, it fits easily into your backpack, saving space and reducing weight.
  5. Stable Cooking Platform

    • Designed to provide a stable base for pots and pans, ensuring safe and efficient cooking.


  • Power: 3240W
  • Weight: 230g
  • Material: Stainless Steel/Aluminum