Kahles Helia- sarjan kiikarit integroidulla laseretäisyysmittarilla. Katso lasertestivideo alla. Laserissa "scan mode" jatkuvaan mittaamiseen sekä "EAC" ylä/alakulma kompensointi ballistisen etäisyyden määrittelemistä varten.
Kahles Helia- series binoculars with integrated laser range finder. See laser performance test video below. Laser has "scan mode" for continuous measurement and "EAC" mode for uphill/downhill true ballistic distance.
Easy and reliable targeting up to 1,500 m
EAC-function (Enhanced Angle Compensation) for angle correction (patented)
Intuitive simple menu navigation
Premium-quality OLED display with five manual brightness settings and display in meter or yards
Scan mode for continuous measurement
Extra long battery lifetime ~ 3,000 measurements
Lightweight and ergonomic binocular with innovative Waldkauz ® loden protective cover and leather strap